Tuesday 8 May 2012

Zeek Rewards Review - Legit Biz Or Total Hoax? Here Are The Facts

Zeek Rewards - The Company Zeek Rewards, is a fairly new MLM company that is an offshoot of the penny auction site known as Zeekler. Both Zeekler and Zeek Rewards are owned by Rex Venture Group, LLC which was founded in 1997 and has it's headquarters in Lexington, North Carolina. Paul Burks is the head of this company and brings with him experience and credibility. He has over 10 years experience in the Direct Sales and Network Marketing industry. Mr. Burks' other company, Free Store Club attracted over 3 million independent representatives and customers in over 171 countries and is still doing business today. Zeek Rewards launched in January of 2011, has shown solid growth and is a debt free company. Since January 2011, ZeekRewards has unprecedented growth and the company is solid, stable, debt-free and healthy. Zeek Rewards - The Products Zeek Rewards is an exclusive affiliate marketing subsidiary for it's parent company Zeekler. Reps have the ability to earn "rewards" on every retail bid they sell and every "VIP Bid" they buy and give away to others. Zeekler operates as a "penny auction site", which is a fairly new trend that has been picking up a lot of momentum. Bidders can bid on retail products and have been reported to save up to 90% off of the retail prices one might pay at a store. Once a bid has been made, the price of the item being bid on goes up by one penny, hence the name "penny auction". For every bid, the timer on the auction product increases by 20 seconds to allow competing bidders to bid. When no one else bids, the last bidder wins the item. Zeek Rewards - The Comp Plan Now on to the million dollar question: is it possible to make money with zeek rewards? At the end of each business day, the company evaluates the overall production and income that is generated. This includes auction sales, product sales, affiliate renewals, bid sales and other income production and divides them among qualified affiliates. The Compensation Plan is a 2 x 5 matrix. In a matrix, your upline can place people underneath you, which is great for creating momentum and accumulating volume. There is also a Retail Profit Pool that distributes up to 50% of the company's daily profits among the qualified affiliates. To be 'qualified', you must currently be at the rank of Silver or above and you must have purchased a minimum of 10 VIP bids. The Retail Profit Pool pays out between 0.5% to 2%. There are 6 ways to profit with the comp plan: •ZAP Commissions: 20% on personal customer's retail bid pack purchases •Retail Store: Money made on the sale of items in your retail store. No inventory, just promote your link and earn monthly checks on any purchases made in your retail store. •Retail Profit Pool: If qualified, you earn rewards through a profit share program as long as you submit one free ad per day. You can also earn up to 10% on every VIP bid bought by any of your directly sponsored affiliates and a 2nd level commission of up to 5% of their personally sponsored affiliate purchases. •Retail Subscription Profits: 20% monthly retail profit on all sales by personally sponsored affiliates. The 20% is based on the monthly subscription price. This 20% takes precedence over other matrix commissions as follows and NOT in addition to it. •Shopping Daisy(coming soon): Earn affiliate commissions on various shopping programs by giving away the application for free. •The Matrix: Earn a residual income of up to $3.50/month for every paid subscriber in your personal 25 matrix along with a healthy matching bonus in unlimited depth. Should You Join Zeek Rewards? Zeek Rewards appears to be a solid mlm opportunity and is not a scam. It has a solid parent company, a reputable track record, great corporate leadership and a fair com[ plan. Although all these things are good to have in place, it does not guarantee you will have success. At the end of the day, your success will come down to your ability to produce sales, market properly, attract new affiliates to your team, and properly duplicate your efforts. I HIGHLY recommend using a proven Attraction Marketing System to have an endless amount of people to expose to your business. Want to Create an Unstoppable Zeek Rewards Business? To truly win BIG with Zeek Rewards, you must have access to the most cutting edge marketing, lead generation and branding strategies available today, like the ones available with MLSP. To learn more about MLSP, read my MLSP Review. Garry Regier is committed to excellence in network marketing. He creates and trains on subject matter that has been tested and proven effective. To build a massive business online one must utilize BOTH online and offline techniques. Visit Andy's Complete Zeek Rewards Review to get more essential training to explode your Zeek Rewards business

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