Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Jobs From Home For Mums - A Way to Beat The Recession Without Giving Up Raising Your Kids

The traditional problem with jobs from home for mums has been that they are low paid, repetitive and mundane.

Often, with pay being linked to productivity, the effective rate per hour can be derisory and significantly lower than the minimum wage and let's face it, if you are trying to work around young children it's very challenging to work productively when you are constantly distracted by your children's needs and demands.

But the fact remains that as the recession bites deeper and household incomes are being squeezed, more women in particular who were staying at home with their children are now registering for work.

One agency in London for example, has seen a third increase in women registering in 2012 compared to 2011, averaging 500 women a month registering with them.

However, with rising unemployment and hundreds of people applying for the same vacancy, more and more women are looking for jobs from home for mums.

Some of the more successful work from home mums have turned to business opportunities to supplement their income and that they can run from the comfort of their own living room.

Business opportunities that are in the affiliate and internet marketing industry are particularly lucrative and they can be set up very, very cheaply with potential rewards for some of the smarter, harder working mums building to six figure incomes in a relatively short amount of time.

By 'smarter' I don't mean 'intelligent' - I just mean the mums who have gotten themselves some quality basic training online and have applied what they have learnt.

Typically these businesses are low-risk (if you follow some basic common sense rules); don't require you to hold stock or employ staff and the hours you work are entirely of your own choosing. So ideal for a busy mum!

If you've already got a Facebook account, Twitter, YouTube and a blog for instance; you may not know it yet, but you've already got an online business in the making.

What's more, the really serious jobs from home mum understands that the power of affiliate marketing comes not from 'selling' to people, but rather from people 'buying' things they already wanted!

OK that's a radical statement which needs explaining. When I first started to look at the internet as a potential source of income I was nervous because I really don't like selling. Now I know some people do and there are plenty of them online too, but that's just not for my thing!

So for a long time I resisted the idea of setting up a business online until I realised that the internet operates differently to the offline world. Let me give you an example. Suppose you had invented a cold remedy that absolutely, positively cured the common cold. How much money could you make from trying to sell that online?

The answer might surprise you. You would make almost nothing! Why?

Think about it... when you last had a cold did you Google 'cold cure'? Almost certainly you did not! Did you join a forum for 'cold sufferers'? Can you imagine! Did you in fact spend any time at all talking to people online about your cold in your quest for a 'cure'?

The most you probably did to alleviate the symptoms of your cold, was offline. You would have picked up the biggest box of tissues you could find and one or two of the many cold remedies that suppress the symptoms. IF you had invented the cure for the common cold, you would have concentrated on selling it to the very same shops you buy your other cold remedies from.

The critical point being - there's no way you can 'sell' the cure for the common cold online because... though people would want it - they are NOT looking for it!

Fortunately for the serious jobs from home mums setting up a business online is not about selling. It IS about building relationships with people, making friends and helping people to find the things THEY want!

So if you love people and you are serious about working from home around your children, take a long hard look at the internet!

Live a No Limits Life!

Robin J Emdon

Success Coach

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